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This page contains and overview of the market, as created by the market managers.
We invite you to order on line fresh locally grown produce and products.
It works like this…..
This online market is meant to emulate many aspects of a traditional “booths and tables” farmers’ market. The customers are buying directly from the grower or producer, at prices they set. Growers and producers describe what is available, supply photos of the items, and set the purchase price.
Just like at a traditional farmers’ market, the customer can browse everything that is available from all of the different growers. The customer can choose exactly what to buy, how much to buy, and from what grower to buy from.
The market opens Monday, and runs through Thursday Noon.
After noon on Thursdays, the growers are notified of all of their orders for the week. They harvest exactly what was ordered, package it, and deliver to the pick-up site. The produce is not coming off from a shelf somewhere, but is coming straight from the field to the customer.
Pick-Up and Payment
After the orders are assembled, they are brought to designated pick up spots.
Payment is made ( after the customer has had the chance to inspect their order) with cash or local check.
You must indicate what pick up location before you complete your order on line.
To check out what is available this week click on THE MARKET.